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Poll Results Reveal Republicans Hate the Words 'Common Core' but Not Education Standards

Poll Results Reveal Republicans Hate the Words 'Common Core' but Not Education Standards

Poll results have revealed that Republicans might hate the words "Common Core" more than they hate the actual standards themselves.

In the results released from the 2015 Education Next Poll, three different groups of registered Republicans were asked various questions about their support of or opposition to the Common Core.

Various ways of wording — with and without using the words "Common Core" — resulted in a wide range of fluctuation between support and opposition among the groups.

Initially, "[o]ne group of respondents was asked simply whether they support or oppose Common Core. Half of the Republicans in the group opposed Common Core, with 30 percent in favor. Before asking if respondents support or oppose Common Core, the question explained,'In the last few years states have been deciding whether or not to use the Common Core, which are standards for reading and math that are the same across the states,'" said The Washington Examiner.

The second group was asked the very same question, worded differently, while still using the words "Common Core".

"Another group was asked if they support Common Core using the same language as above, but with an added sentence: 'In the states that have these standards, they will be used to hold public schools accountable for their performance.' Using the additional explanation about Common Core, half of Republicans still opposed it, although support rose to 37 percent," the article said.

For the third group, when the words "Common Core" were removed completely, something interesting happened.

"The third group was asked the same question as the second group, but it said 'these standards' instead of 'Common Core.' As a result, Republican opposition to Common Core dropped to 38 percent and support rose to 50 percent."

Of course, changing the wording in poll questions will undoubtedly lead to different results. But the jump in support based on the removal of the words "Common Core" is unusual, the article said.

The poll has made it unclear as to whether Republicans would support the standards if labeled differently.

Also, interestingly enough, "[d]espite connections between the movement to let students opt out of standardized tests and anti-Common Core advocates, only 30 percent of Republicans said parents should decide whether their students have to take state tests, while almost 60 percent opposed letting parents decide."

Read the full article here and comment with your thoughts below.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor

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