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Looking for the Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders

Looking for the Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders

Quality afterschool care is a community necessity to ensure that children have access to extended learning opportunities out-of-school. These afterschool programs are only as strong as their instructors—which is why the National Afterschool Association is looking to honor the people making a difference in communities with Next Generation of Afterschool 2017.

With sponsorship from Education World’s parent company, S&S Worldwide, the NAA is looking for individuals who represent the next generation of afterschool leaders through their commitment to youth, their embracement of professional development and their embodiment of the core competencies defined by NAA. The competencies are grouped into 10 content areas and are as follows:

1. Child and Youth Growth and Development

2. Learning Environment and Curriculum

3. Child/Youth Observation and Assessment

4. Interactions with Children and Youth

5. Youth Engagement

6. Cultural Competency and Responsiveness

7. Family, School, and Community Relationships

8. Safety and Wellness

9. Program Planning and Development

10. Professional Development and Leadership

If you think you know someone over the age of 30 who fits the bill, you can nominate them up until September 30 by filling out this form. 

Honorees will be selected by a special committee appointed by NAA and will be featured in the Winter 2017 issue of AfterSchool Today magazine as well as receive a free NAA Executive Membership, free 2017 Convention Registration and recognition at the 2017 Convention.

Nicole Gorman, Senior Education World Contributor


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