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Kids Stay Home, Negotiations Resume as Seattle Teachers' Strike Enters Second Day

Kids Stay Home, Negotiations Resume as Seattle Teachers Strike Enters Second Day

Teachers in Seattle, W.A. are striking for the first time in 30 years, affecting 53,000 children and their parents. In the second day of the strike, the city's teachers union and public school system attempt to continue negotiations today.

Yesterday, negotiations stalled between Seattle Public Schools and The Seattle Education Association after SPS offered a 14 percent pay increase for teachers whereas the union remained firm on its demand for 18 percent. 

Though not the sole reason behind the strike, pay is a major contention point between Seattle's teachers and its administration. It has been six years since teachers in the city have received a cost-of-living increase despite the rapidly increasing living expenses, and they say they're scrambling to afford getting by.

In addition to increased pay, the Seattle teachers are also taking on issues that many educators throughout the country face.

"The strike could be a test case for educators across the country, a national union leader said," according to U.S. News.

"The teachers are fighting for reasonable testing policies, a fair discipline policy and the time to prepare for class each day, said Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association."

In a scramble to help parents of the 53,000 children kept home these past two days, the city has opened community centers and expanded before-and-after school programs.

According to The Seattle Times, if negotiations continue and a decision is not reached, The Seattle School Board voted "to authorize the superintendent to seek legal action to try to force teachers and other school employees back to work."

Read the full article here and comment with your thoughts below.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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