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Fourth-Grade Teachers Perform Rap Parody to Motivate Students for State Exams

Fourth-Grade Teachers Perform Rap Parody to Motivate Students for State Exams

Teachers from Fonde Elementary School in Mobile, Alabama created a parody to the popular rap song “Teach Me How to Dougie,” to alleviate stress during the pre-exam period while motivating students to do their best.

With the state’s ACT Aspire tests coming up, the school’s staff created a video for “Teach Me How to Study,” an almost four-minute-long video that gives students tips for preparing.

"Corina Powe, a second-grade teacher at Fonde, enlisted the help of her husband, Marcus Powe, who teaches at LeFlore Magnet High School. He brought his television production class from LeFlore to Fonde, twice, to film the teachers and staff members dancing around to the song,” said

When the video was finished, teachers gathered students in the school cafeteria to show them the final product; teachers said the students got a kick out of it.

"The fourth-grade teachers, who star as the 'rap group' in the video, wear hot pink plastic shades, caps turned sideways and lime green T-shirts that say ‘Keep Calm and Aspire.' Other teachers and staffers can be seen dancing and pretending to take the tests,” the article said.

“Though the video made the kids laugh, it offers a lot of good test-preparation tips that will, hopefully, sink in, since students since tend to remember things that are set to music, [the song’s creator Lindsey] Carter said. 'The first verse is about good study habits at home, the second is at school and the third is during the test,' said Carter to

The school’s administration hopes that other teachers can use the video to inspire their students to do their best, as well.

Read the full story here and check out the video below.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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