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District's Tech Policy Gives Parents Option to Opt Children Out

District's Tech Policy Gives Parents Option to Opt Children Out

In Wake County, North Carolina, the Wake County Board of Education will require parents to make a choice when it comes to their child's interaction with technology—and there's no option inbetween all or nothing.

According to, the technology policy that will go into effect this fall will require every student have a signed form on file with their parent's decision on technology use.

"Parents will be required to select whether or not their child or children can participate in instruction involving any form of computer technology, including desktops, laptops, tablets or cellphones. It also includes Internet access," the article said.

Marlo Gaddis, the system's senior director of instructional technology and library media services, said in a statement that technology access will be left entirely in the hands of parents and warned that denying their children access could present challenges in the future and in preparing for college and careers.

Gaddis made no note on whether parents would be informed on the specific challenges opting their children out would present.

"School officials say that, where possible, educators would make accommodations for students whose parents deny the use of technology and digital resources. But certain technology-centric courses (e.g., Computer Assisted Design, Gaming Design, Computer Science) will not be available to those who opt out," according to

The policy also seeks to outline policy on student interaction with technology while on school premises, allowing for discipline if used in a way that is not "respectful" or "supportive of student learning."

Further, the policy warns students of discipline if non-school online activities threaten safety and order within school.

Read the full article here and comment with your thoughts below.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


Should parent's be able to control children's in-school technology access?

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