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'Really, Really Boring': Column Questions Benefits of Homework

Column questions whether students benefit from doing homework

Do kids benefit from doing homework? Are most homework assignments boring to students? Columnist Laurie Levy from the Huffington Post looks at this issue in relation to her eight-year-old granddaughter's struggle with completing homework every night. 

"She doesn't actually hate all homework," Levy writes. "On the rare occasions she is given a project to do, she dives in enthusiastically...So what does she hate about homework? First of all, it's always the same. Second, it's totally rote. Third, she never gets to write or draw anything. Fourth, it's really, really boring."

Levy goes into detail on her granddaughter's homework, such as math worksheets, spelling worksheets and more. She compares homework to when her children went to school, and suspects homework "is also assigned as a punishment for the children failing to complete work in school, or for the class misbehaving."

Read more here

Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor

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