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Sixteen States Offer Tax-Free Shopping for Back-to-School

16 States Offer Tax-Free Shopping for Back-to-School

Tax-free week is coming up, and selected states are offering tax-free shopping to those purchasing items for back-to-school. 

According to U.S. News, 16 states will observe the sales tax holiday as parents pick up school supplies, clothing and other items. Texas was one of the first states to start an annual tax-free shopping holiday for backpacks, clothing and more. 

"Tax-free weekend is one of the best times of the year to buy clothing, shoes and school supplies, and I always try to take advantage of the discount," said Rachel Holland, founder of and "Many stores are already running great back-to-school sales and offering high-value coupons, so when you combine the sales, coupons and tax-free savings, that can really help you make the most of your back-to-school budget."

The following states have confirmed that they will offer a sales tax holiday this year: Alabama (clothing, computers, school supplies, books), Arkansas (clothing, school supplies), Connecticut (clothing, footwear), Florida (school supplies, clothing, computers), Georgia (school supplies, clothing, computers), Iowa (clothing), Louisiana (all tangible personal property), Maryland (clothing, footwear), Mississippi (clothing, computers, school supplies), New Mexico (clothing, computers, computer equipment, school supplies), Oklahoma (clothing), South Carolina (clothing, school supplies and computers), Tennessee (clothing, school supplies, computers), Texas (clothing, backpacks, school supplies), and Virginia (clothing, school supplies). 

Read the full story. 

Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor

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