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Fit to Be Taught, Vol.2

Schools Where Wellness Is a Way of Life


The need for students to eat more healthful foods and get more exercise is getting a lot of attention in schools these days, but some school leaders are going a step further, developing wellness policies and health alliances with their communities. Included: Descriptions of wellness plans and policies.

While soda and junk food are vanishing from many school menus and physical education classes are getting a makeover, some educators are making school and district-wide commitments to improving staff and student health and keeping them fit.

Administrators hope the policies not only will lead to improvements in overall well-being and student performance, but also help youngsters and adults adopt life-long habits to keep them healthy.

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Wellness News
Pass the Soy Protein Tortillas, Please Cafeteria managers from across the U.S. learned about more healthful lunch options such as soy protein tortillas and garbanzo bean dip at the national School Nutrition Association Conference.

Kids' Letters Get Green Beans off Lunch Menu Second graders from William V. Wright Elementary School in Las Vegas, Nevada, wrote polite letters to the school lunch lady asking for different vegetables and got green beans from the menu.

Movin and Munchin to Better Health

Movin and Munchin Schools was introduced by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to get students participating in physical activity and more healthful eating outside of the school day. Students who might not engage in physical activity can get involved in another aspect of the program, such as giving up soda for a week.

Students record their efforts weekly in the form of movin MILES. These miles are added together each week and put together over time to reach a pre-established goal. On average 18,000 students and 8,000 adults participated over four years.

Preliminary findings indicated that students interest in physical activity increased as a result of the program for every group but one, those that described themselves as not physically active already.

About ten urban schools out of 70 turn in their results each year. Each school that turns in their projects can receive between $250 and $500 for their physical activity program.

Read more about this program at: Movin and Munchin Schools: The Healthy M & M's. Wisconsin's Initiative to Increase Physical Activity and Healthy Eating .

Click to learn more about Action for Healthy Kids.

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