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The Homework Dilemma


The debate over homework -- what kinds, how much, how to grade it -- is an active one in many schools. It is one that impacts the entire school community. The articles below from Education World's archive share stories and practical tips that will help you as you lead this challenging discussion with the members of your school community.

How Does Your School Handle the Homework Dilemma?
Do you have a school-wide policy? Do students earn a homework grade? What about late homework? Or the effects of homework zeros on student grades? Education World's "Principal Files" team members share their thoughts on those questions and others.


Find more articles of interest in the following Education World resources:

Strategies That Work: Homework

Help for Homework Hassles

See our complete archive of Focus On articles. More than three dozen hot topics of interest to principals.

Homework Club "Memberships" Grow
Attendance at homework clubs soon could rival the turnout for more traditional after-school offerings. The clubs give students the help and structure they need to complete assignments. Included: Tips for organizing a homework club in your school.

Homework Study Hall: Mandatory "Make Up" for Missed Work
Startled by the large number of failing students, principal David Chambers made making up missed homework a mandatory activity. The policy has produced more honor students, raised GPAs, and improved teacher morale. Could it work for your school? Tips included.

Help! Homework Is Wrecking My Home Life!
Students have long railed against homework; are they right this time? Just how much homework is too much? Education World interviews teachers and the top experts -- including Howard Gardner, Carol Huntsinger, and Harris Cooper -- to find out.

Copyright 2008 Education World

Last updated 06/26/2008