Are you looking to improve communications between school and home? Do you want to get the media to pay more attention to the good things that are going on in your school? Do you know how to handle a crisis? Public relations consultant William Harms offers tips for school administrators looking to put their best foot forward.
Think your school can't afford to devote resources to public relations? Think again, says public relations consultant William Harms, who counts among his clients a consortium of 30 independent Chicago schools. Good public relations begins with the cost-free investment of thoughtful evaluation, Harms told Education World.
Before you put financial resources into public relations, consider what the term means: "Relations with the public." Public relations encompasses all interactions and communications with the public by everyone in your school district, from school secretaries to maintenance workers to teachers, principals, board members, and students. Good public relations is something everyone involved with a school should be practicing every day.
The biggest public relations budget in the world won't matter if your school projects a poor image in its most basic communications. Before you hire a consultant or a public relations staff person or recruit a parent volunteer, begin improving public relations in your school district by evaluating everyday communications, Harms said.
"The more parents know what's going on, the more eager they are to support the mission of the school," Harms said.
Communication with parents and the public is essential—and the communication must be meaningful, clear, and engaging. "Parents want to know what's going on. The tricky part is knowing what parents really want to hear and what will be perceived as propaganda. Parents are astute at knowing the difference," Harms said.
For communicating with parents, Harms sees newsletters as primary communication tools. "A newsletter doesn't need to be flashy. It's not design that people are concerned with, but content," he said. Whether it's a simple, black and white one-page newsletter printed on paper or a colorful electronic message on the school's website, be sure the information is relevant and timely. Harms related that he once received a beautifully-designed newsletter with irrelevant content—all the events listed had already passed.
As the editor of a newsletter for the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Harms said he strives to view the product from a parent's perspective. "We ask ourselves what questions parents would like to see answered in our publication. We know that parents want to know about their children's accomplishments. And they want to know what's going on with the curriculum but in a way that it relates to their interests. It's always great to share news about a project that students are excited about, for example.
Such communication is vital because you can't rely on students to accurately relay what's happening at school—if they tell their parents anything about school at all. "Some kids bring home news, others clam up. Anything you can do to explain to parents what children are learning will be appreciated," Harms said.
When good news happens, don't wait to showcase it. As time goes by, the news becomes old news and, therefore, less relevant. You'll get the most impact from parents and others if you publicize your good news early. Don't forget to find out who on staff likes to take photos—they are great additions to social media sites and if a newspaper editor declines to print a story, she might turn around and print a photo with a descriptive caption you provide. Make sure to get photo release permission from parents. A way around dealing with permissions is to take photos from far away or showing students' backs. You can also show the set up for your events and can include both staged shots and candid shots of teachers in action. Both parents and news editors love pictures of students engaged in a learning activity, so it is worth the extra effort to get these visuals.
Public schools must be aware that their communication obligations extend to the community. "When people are paying taxes to support your school, they want to know what's going on," said one former school district president. "Public schools need to let people know that their money is well spent."
That, said Harms, is one place where the public relations professional comes in. "People want communication about their schools. It would be fun to think that teachers have time to do this, that principals have time to do this, but the reality is they don't."
A professional can also be immensely helpful with crisis communications and with fostering media relations, Harms said. But whether a school hires someone to manage public relations or decides staff members can handle it on their own, it's important to give public relations the attention your parents, your community—and your school—deserves. If your district has hired a pr executive to represent the district, it's still up to the school teachers and administrators to inform him or her about the positive news and accomplishments happening with your staff and students.
Why does one school get more media coverage than another? The answer may be as simple as their administrators pick up the phone more often. Schools often overlook the fact that getting coverage of events and accomplishments can be as easy as letting local newspapers, radio stations, and cable TV channels know what's going on. Reporters and editors aren't mind readers; they're also very busy, and the squeaky school ... well, you get the picture.
If you want media coverage, know thy media. Read all the newspapers that cover your area, listen to local radio stations (or tap into a parent who does) and keep current on your local cable channel. Consider videotaping your school board meetings for local access cable television. Get to know people in the media—stop in and say hi. Take an editor to lunch. Learn what makes interesting photos and news stories.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals offers these great tips:
No matter how awful or how minor, if an incident has captured the attention of the school, the community, or the world, be prepared to talk about it—publicly and immediately. "Be prepared to tell the facts right away. Don't let things stew and get out of control," Harms said.
The first people to communicate with? The faculty and staff. Keeping them informed builds community and elicits cooperation. Next, communicate with parents. Write a statement to be sent home with all students on the day a crisis occurs and repost that statement electronically. Be clear in stating the facts of the situation, give all the facts you can possibly give, and tell parents how you intend to respond. More information is better—the sketchier the information, the more likely parents will fill in the blanks with rumor and speculation.
If you think an incident might draw the attention of the media, be prepared. Refer all media calls to one agreed-upon spokesperson. That person should be prepared with facts in writing to refer to. Be honest but don't be lured into speculation. Stick to the facts. If you don't know the answer to a question, admit it, and offer to get back to the reporter—and then do so.
Crisis communications tactics aren't always necessary for bad news solely—good news can prompt a flood of media attention as well. In either case, instruct those answering the phones to collect complete information—name of person, name of news organization, phone number, and the reporter's deadline—and prioritize phone calls to be returned based on that information.
A few things to keep in mind when talking to the media during a crisis:
Some additional tips, from the National School Public Relations Association:
Follow these steps within the first 30 minutes of a crisis:
School PR Resources
This resource from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) includes articles such as "Getting a Public Relations Program Started," "Sample School Public Relations Policies," and "Samples of Exemplary School Public Relations Programs."
Best Face Forward
This Education World story focuses on gaining positive public relations through the media. "Schools can live or die by public opinion, and quality public relations is the key to garnering public support," says Les Potter, professor of educational administration at West Georgia College. Additional PR resources included.
PR Ideas for PRincipals
This EdWorld article directed solely at principals has some great ideas about getting publicity for positive things happening at your school.
Article by Colleen Newquist and Education World staff
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