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The Scots Guide to Electronics
The Scots Guide to Electronics is a beginner's level course to help users learn about components, circuits, and the use of electronics. 11/13/00

Vocational Resources : Electronics:


Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Welcome to the Sci.Electronics.Repair Frequently Asked Question(s) Home Page. This site features Samuel M. Goldwasser's latest and greatest "Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of..." series of comprehensive repair guides for consumer electronics equipment and other household devices.

Dotelectronics - The on-line magazine for Electronics Engineers
Dotelectronics is the on-line information forum for the electronics industry.

Electronic Hobbyist
A great list of resources!

Lots of helpful links!

Teaching and Learning Resources -- Electricity and Electronics
From the UK Technology Education Centre.

Electronics Links
From Michelle's Electronics Home page.