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10 Brain Break Videos to Share With Your Class

A brain break activity allows your students to shift focus and exercise physically and/or mentally. Children have limited attention spans and are highly driven by new experiences. For example, an eight-year-old can only concentrate on one thing for about 16 to 24 minutes. Regularly providing new activities and a change of pace allows their mind and bodies to reset. 

You might find that some older students are a little reluctant to join in. In this case, emphasize the benefits of leading by example in joining the fun. Although some videos are better suited for certain grades, you can adapt each of these brain breaks to fit any age. 

A brain break activity improves cognitive ability, builds bonds between children and their teacher, and provides a much-needed reprieve for both parties. Most brain breaks follow a pattern of mixing fun with physical exercise. Here are 10 brain breaks videos to share with your class.

1. First Grade - Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Make sure that the class next door isn't going to be disturbed by this sing-along number. It will have your class bouncing around and yelling the words. Simple, catchy, and repetitive, your kids will love this.

2. Second Grade - Disney's Dynamic Duos

In this video, students get to choose various cartoon or movie characters from classic pairings like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell to Finn and Rey. Based on their choice, students are given a simple physical exercise. Some could be doing squats or arm circles while others hop. This may sound like chaos, but it's better to have chaos during a break than during your lesson.

3. Third Grade - How Do You Feel GIFs

In this brain break, children are asked a question such as, "What would you do if your video game system broke?" They then choose one of three GIFS that best describe their reaction and then have to do the corresponding exercise. Simple and friendship building.

4. Fourth Grade - Panda Poses

On a more relaxed note, this brain break encourages students to breathe deeply as they copy the poses of a panda. Superimposed on beautiful nature stills and videos, this guided meditation allows students to refocus their attention in a non-disruptive way.

5. Fifth Grade - Would You Rather? Among Us Edition

In this video, children have a few seconds to choose between two options. Then, there are 20 seconds of simple exercises to do. It gives your students a welcome chance to stretch tired muscles and spout some pop culture info to their classmates.

6. Sixth Grade - Illusion Images

This one might suit both younger and older students. The student is shown a series of optical illusions where they might see one of two images. They can then tell the class what they see first and if they can see the other option as well. Children will love this activity, but you should clarify that there are no correct answers. Different people see different things.

7. Seventh Grade - Would You Rather? Food Edition

As with the fifth-grade brain break, students choose between two options. "Would you rather eat pizza or chicken nuggets?" is one example. Again, students do physical exercise depending on their choice. Each question could form the basis for a quick discussion.

8. Freeze Dance

All ages will enjoy letting off steam with this energetic brain break. Dancing is a great way to break the ice, too. Just be sure no one breaks a leg on the dance floor!

9. Meme Moods

In this video, three images pop up, and students have to choose one. Different exercises follow, depending on the choice. This brain break is probably more suitable for older students as some of the moods might be beyond a young student's grasp. 

10. Never Have I Ever

This brain break might cause some giggles and heated discussions! Students have to say if they have ever done something and get a different exercise if they have or have not. The questions are innocuous, and you might like to use some of the questions as talking points later during teaching.

Final Thoughts

Most brain breaks involve both mental and physical activity. You may need to adapt some of them depending on your students' abilities. It's important to remember that brain breaks are used frequently but refrain from becoming routine. They are fun activities that should give children a break from learning without overpowering or undervaluing the information being taught.


Written by Stephen Tomkinson
Education World Contributor
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