Ten Ways to Take Charge of Your Child's IEP Meeting or Family Support Plan
Janet Holmes - Great tips for parents on mastering the art of the IEP meeting.
Did You See Your Regular Ed Teacher At Your IEP Meeting?
Reed Martin, J.D. - An overview of the new requirement that regular education teachers attend I.E.P. meetings of students included in regular education classes.
Individualized Education Programs & IDEA 97
A brief overview of the changes to the IEP and Placement Processes brought about by the recent amendments to the IDEA.
Individualized Education Programs & IDEA 97
From LD Online.
National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children (NAPSEC)
The National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children is a nonprofit association whose mission is to ensure access for individuals to private special education as a vital component of the continuum of appropriate placement and services in American education. The association consists solely of private special education schools that serve both privately and publicly placed children with disabilities.
IEP Resources at LD Online
Includes articles and useful tools for parents.