Jacob K. Javits Gifted & Talented Students Education Program
The is a program administered by the US DOE's Office of Educational Research and Improvement. The program offers information on the latest research into gifted and talented education, grants, and other forms of support.
The Center for Talent Development
At North Western University
Center for Talented Youth
At Johns Hopkins University
Gifted Children
The Australian Association for the education of the gifted and talented. Proceedings from the 1996 national conference in Adelaide, South Australia, including full text of articles presented.
The TAGFAM E-Journal and contains indepth articles addressing areas of specific concern to parents of gifted and talented children.
Gifted Children
A great resource produced by a retired teacher of gifted education.
Virtual School for the Gifted
"A place where like minds can meet regardless of age, gender and geography. Educational interaction was previously limited by the physical world. Technology has removed these barriers, allowing for the birth of the Virtual School for the Gifted."
Gifted Education Resources For Teachers
From Kent State University
TAG Resources Home Page
A wide variety of good links to outside resources are available.
Gifted & Talented Children
Dedicated to those parenting or teaching gifted children.
Gifted Education Press
Books and other resources to help parents and teachers encourage gifted children.
Gifted Resources College and Early Entrance Page
Information on universities that offer early acceptance programs, special scholarships, or academic programs for gifted students.
Talent Searches and Summer Programs
Programs offered by Universities and other institutions during the summer for exceptionally talented young kids.
Ideas For Nurturing Intellectually Gifted Children
This site is devoted to debunking myths about gifted children and offers a helpful set of activities.
The Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development offers a number of gifted education and talent development resources.
Prufrock Press
The Leading Publisher Supporting the Education of Gifted and Talented Children
Gifted Child Quarterly
Abstracts of articles that offer new or creative insights about giftedness and talent development in the context of the school, the home, and the wider society. The journal is published in hardcopy only.
Gifted Development Center
The Gifted Development Center serves parents, schools, and advocacy groups with information about identification, assessment, counseling, learning styles, programs, presentations, and resources for gifted children and adults.
American Association for Gifted Children
A non-profit organization devoted to the needs of gifted, talented and creative children.
Gifted, Talented... and Devastated
An article describing the potential dangers of labeling children as gifted.
National Association for Gifted Children
An organization dedicated to developing high potential in children.
Characteristics of Gifted/Creative Children
A general list of characteristics possibly indicating a gifted child.
Bulletin -- Developing Thinking in the Gifted
A thoughtful and informative article.
Queensland Association for Gifted & Talented Children Inc.
Some good resources and information can be found here.
An Online School for the gifted and talented.
The National Association for Gifted Children
in the United Kingdom.