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    G I F T E D     &     T A L E N T E D    
This section is devoted to exceptional children and to the many different forms of giftedness they exhibit.



Gifted Children
This page in the Parents Community Special Needs Children section has more resources for parents of gifted children.


Can Adults Praise Children Too Much?
According to some psychologists and researchers, praising everything children do does not build self-esteem -- eventually the praise becomes meaningless. Instead of continually praising students, teachers should substitute descriptive comments or cite specific improvements in work. Included: Experts debate the question "To praise or not to praise?" -- plus -- praise pointers!

Virtual High Schools: Part 2 New Programs Meet New Needs
Education World writer Mary Daniels Brown looks at several new and distinctive virtual high schools and examines the concerns of some of those programs' critics. Included: A close-up look at six new virtual schools!

Virtual High Schools: Part 1 The Voices of Experience
Online education, particularly at the high school level, is a fast-growing trend in the United States. In "Virtual High Schools: Part 1," Education World examines four well-established virtual high school programs and offers guidelines for educators who are developing new programs.

Special Program Brings Student Excellence to Life!
The most important thing I learned was if you work hard and put all of your heart into something, the final product will be excellent, said Heather. "It made me see that I could be more creative than I thought I could be," added Jordan. Those are the comments of two of the students challenged by a special program that paired the imaginations of 13 fifth-graders and two artists-in-residence. To participate, students must submit portfolios containing original writing and an art form. Could such a program work in your school?

Multiple Intelligences: It's Not How Smart You Are, It's How You're Smart!
Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory asks educators to take a fresh look at our assumptions about children and learning. Teachers around the world are rethinking lessons and units -- and their entire approaches to teaching -- based on his research. This week, Education World provides resources to help you explore the wealth of information on multiple intelligence theory available on the Web!

Who Are the "Gifted" Children --- and How Should Schools Handle Them?
A "gifted" child in one community might not be "gifted" in another community. Should the "gifted" label be standardized across communities? Do "gifted" children deserve the same extra attention that other children with special labels get? Education World addresses those and other questions.

Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences makes people think about "IQ," about being "smart." The theory is changing the way some teachers teach. Included: Gardner has now identified an eighth intelligence!

NRICH Mathematics Enrichment
This site from the United Kingdom is tied to the National Grid for Learning, but the lessons and problems are appropriate for math students everywhere, especially the gifted and talented. Membership in the Maths Club is free to everyone.

Born to Explore: The Other Side of ADD
This site offers an alternative perspective on ADD and ADHD with some good information on creativity, assessment, and other factors not usually taken into consideration.

The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC) provides access to professional literature, information, and resources on the education and development of individuals of all ages who have disabilities and/or who are gifted.

Gifted Children.Com
The Gifted Children.com Web site was designed to allow parents, students and educators concerned with issues regarding gifted children to communicate and have access to resources.

Gifted Resources Home Page
Here you can find mostly every resource, web and otherwise, relating to gifted children.

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
This is a resource site for parents and educators of gifted children. It includes articles, research, books, organizations, conferences, on-line support groups, academic programs, products, humor, and more!

Math Lessons That Are Fun! Fun! Fun!
Math Lessons That Are Fun! Fun! Fun! is a great site to find mathematics enrichment activities that will intrigue students and help them gain a deeper understanding of important concepts. (3-12)


Jacob K. Javits Gifted & Talented Students Education Program
The is a program administered by the US DOE's Office of Educational Research and Improvement. The program offers information on the latest research into gifted and talented education, grants, and other forms of support.

The Center for Talent Development
At North Western University

Center for Talented Youth
At Johns Hopkins University

Gifted Children
The Australian Association for the education of the gifted and talented. Proceedings from the 1996 national conference in Adelaide, South Australia, including full text of articles presented.

The TAGFAM E-Journal and contains indepth articles addressing areas of specific concern to parents of gifted and talented children.

Gifted Children
A great resource produced by a retired teacher of gifted education.

Virtual School for the Gifted
"A place where like minds can meet regardless of age, gender and geography. Educational interaction was previously limited by the physical world. Technology has removed these barriers, allowing for the birth of the Virtual School for the Gifted."

Gifted Education Resources For Teachers
From Kent State University

TAG Resources Home Page
A wide variety of good links to outside resources are available.

Gifted & Talented Children
Dedicated to those parenting or teaching gifted children.

Gifted Education Press
Books and other resources to help parents and teachers encourage gifted children.

Gifted Resources College and Early Entrance Page
Information on universities that offer early acceptance programs, special scholarships, or academic programs for gifted students.

Talent Searches and Summer Programs
Programs offered by Universities and other institutions during the summer for exceptionally talented young kids.

Ideas For Nurturing Intellectually Gifted Children
This site is devoted to debunking myths about gifted children and offers a helpful set of activities.

The Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development offers a number of gifted education and talent development resources.

Prufrock Press
The Leading Publisher Supporting the Education of Gifted and Talented Children

Gifted Child Quarterly
Abstracts of articles that offer new or creative insights about giftedness and talent development in the context of the school, the home, and the wider society. The journal is published in hardcopy only.

Gifted Development Center
The Gifted Development Center serves parents, schools, and advocacy groups with information about identification, assessment, counseling, learning styles, programs, presentations, and resources for gifted children and adults.

American Association for Gifted Children
A non-profit organization devoted to the needs of gifted, talented and creative children.

Gifted, Talented... and Devastated
An article describing the potential dangers of labeling children as gifted.

National Association for Gifted Children
An organization dedicated to developing high potential in children.

Characteristics of Gifted/Creative Children
A general list of characteristics possibly indicating a gifted child.

Bulletin -- Developing Thinking in the Gifted
A thoughtful and informative article.

Queensland Association for Gifted & Talented Children Inc.
Some good resources and information can be found here.

An Online School for the gifted and talented.

The National Association for Gifted Children
in the United Kingdom.