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Displaying Results 121 - 140 of 26075
The Power of Reflection and Self-Assessment in Student Learning Learning is so much more than facts. Facts can be memorized and forgotten. But real learning...
Enhancing Parent-Teacher Communication for Improved Student Success Parents and teachers—we're not on opposing teams, no matter how true that might feel...
Strategies for Encouraging Critical Thinking Skills in Students With kids today dealing with information overload, the ability to think critically has...
3 Ways to Teach Students that Failure Is Necessary to Learn Are you students afraid to fail? In the traditional educational system, failure is often...
The Best Summer Professional Development As May draws to a close, summer is finally in sight. For many exhausted teachers, spending the next few months as...
What Teachers Can Do - Job Skills Beyond Education The other day, I was scrolling through my social media feed and ran across a post about what it takes to...
Mathematical Art: Teaching Students to Create Art Using Math Principals Mathematical art is a fascinating intersection of two seemingly disparate fields. At...
Describing & Inferring Details from a Picture Using adjectives and inferences to describe a picture is an essential skill for students to develop....
Lego Coding: Teaching Basic Coding with Legos Teaching young students to code can be a daunting task, but if you start with pseudocoding with Legos, all...
Flight from Florida - Why Teachers Are Leaving  In the wake of intensifying battles over female reproductive rights in America, highly qualified medical...
Bringing AI Tools into the Classroom Chatgpt is a buzzword in just about every administration meeting right now. It's no secret that artificial intelligence...
10 Online Resources to Help ELL Students Being an English Language Learner (ELL) at school can be daunting. These students have to maneuver through a...
The Teacher Exodus: Is It Time for Schools to Rethink Their Recruitment and Retention Strategies? Teaching is one of the noblest professions, or so it's...
5 Career Introduction Activities Every Middle School Needs Middle school is the perfect time for students to start exploring potential careers. As they...
5 Resources Teachers Can Share with Parents to Help Kids Cope With Trauma When your students are dealing with trauma outside of the classroom, it can impact...
7 Tips to Encourage Your Students to Read The ABCs might seem like an easy concept, but the love of reading is much more complicated. Reading is an...
3 Ways to Prevent "Math Trauma" Math. It's part of the core curriculum in every school across the globe, but that doesn't mean that everyone enjoys it. Yes...
Closing the Empathy Gap: Lead Like a Teacher Sneak Peek The following book excerpt is reprinted from Lead Like a Teacher: How to Elevate Expertise in Your...
Restaurant Rush: Learning Area and Perimeter  Grade level: 4th-6th grade Duration: 90 minutes Objective: Students will understand and apply the...
Rent vs. Own: A Real-World Math Lesson Grade level: 6th - 7th Grade Duration: 90 Minutes Subject: Math Objective: Students will understand the...
