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Displaying Results 201 - 220 of 26204
Beyond the Report Card: Alternative Ways to Assess Student Progress We've all been there. The end of the grading period is looming, and it's time to fill...
Fun with Fractions - A Pizza-Themed Approach to Learning Grade Level: 6th-8th grades Duration: 60 minutes Objective: By the end of this lesson, students...
Storytelling with Tech: Creating Digital Narratives Grade Level: 6th-8th grade Duration: 2 class periods (60 minutes each) Objective: Students will create...
Mad Libs to Teach Parts of Speech Grade Level: 6th - 8th grade Duration: 45-60 minutes Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
All About Me: A Personal History Project Objective: This lesson aims to guide students in creating a personal history project that allows them to share...
Discovering Our Strengths: A Lesson in Self-Awareness Objective: Students develop self-awareness by identifying and understanding their strengths and...
Setting and Tracking Personal Goals Objective: The objective of this lesson is to empower students to set and track personal goals for the school year. They...
Bridging the Gap: 5 Ways to Improve Teacher-Student Relationships We all remember that one teacher who made us feel excited about learning—the one who...
Maximizing the Impact of Tech: 10 Apps Every Teacher Should Know About Every K-12 teacher needs an arsenal of digital tools that can revolutionize student...
The Teacher's Back-to-School Checklist: 10 Things to Prepare Before Day One   As the summer break winds down, teachers worldwide are gearing up for a new...
Classroom Decoration Ideas for a Fresh Start   One of the best ways to create an inviting and inspiring learning environment is through classroom...
Back to School: Tips to Start the School Year Right The start of a new school year can be exciting and nerve-wracking for students and parents alike. It's...
Empowering Students: How to Foster Self-Directed Learning The rapidly evolving education landscape has made it increasingly clear that students need more...
Strategies for Developing Effective Study Skills in Students Effective study skills are essential for students to excel academically and achieve their full...
Interrupting Deficit Mindset - Strategies for Communication It happened one day without warning as I sat in a shared team lounge. The group of teachers next...
The Dos and Don'ts of Communicating with Parents Now that school is once again in session, events like Back to School Night and parent-teacher conferences...
7 New Strategies to Boost Any Student’s Reading and Writing Skills As educators, we're constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance our students' reading...
10 Strategies to Create a Culture of Innovation in Your Classroom As educators, we strive to prepare our students for an evolving future. One of the key...
How to Make Data-Driven Decisions That Benefit Your Students In today's world, data is king. Educators can gain valuable insights into their students'...
5 Ways to Challenge Students Without Overwhelming Them There’s a delicate balance between challenging students and overwhelming them. Educators want to...
