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Displaying Results 301 - 320 of 26219
3 Strategies to Help Your Slow Workers As a teacher, you want to make sure no child is left behind. Unfortunately, this is not always the case since...
10 Ways to Use Painters Tape in Your Classroom We're sure you've used painter's tape at home before. Most of us use them to mask off areas we don’t want to...
Does Flexible Seating Benefit Students AND Teachers? Flexible seating is becoming popular in many classrooms across the United States. This concept allows...
10 of the Best Bathroom Passes of All Time A bathroom pass is a crucial tool in many institutions, and while many campuses are going digital, a good ole'...
Benefits of Circle Time in Older Elementary School Classrooms Circle time is a beloved teaching tool in preschool and kindergarten classrooms, but is it...
Items to Include in Your Emergency Substitute Binder Last-minute subs happen all the time. But that doesn't mean your class has to be stuck watching Finding...
Four Steps to Balance Competing Demands When I talk to teachers these days, no matter where they work or what they teach, the refrain is often the same: “A...
What Engagement Really Means Are you with me? Teachers ask this question a lot, either aloud or in our heads. The truth is, it can be really hard to tell...
Stop and Breathe: Unpacking the Hidden Controversy of ChatGPT In the waning weeks of 2022, the eduverse blew up when teachers far and wide learned about the...
Free School Lunch for All - What the Pandemic Taught Us Good news! Colorado recently passed a law that made school meals free for every student, regardless...
How to Stop the Sky from Falling In education, it seems like the sky is always falling. News outlets enjoy printing bad news but rarely come out with...
5 Tips to Create a Mindfulness Corner in Your Classroom Mindfulness corners, sometimes called calm down corners, are one of the newest techniques adults use...
10 Ways to Prevent Bullying in Your Classroom Children and teens experience various life events during their school years. However, bullying is not...
Driving Miss (Insert Teacher Name): Teaching Students to Give Directions Subject: Geography, Navigation Grade: 3-6 Lesson Objective: Teach students to...
Be Your Best Self: Teaching Students to Use Positive Affirmations Grade: 4 Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.1.a "Use context (e.g.,...
Hitting the Books: Teaching Students to Use Dictionaries, Glossaries, etc. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use dictionaries...
Camouflage Animals Subject: Science Grade: Grade 2 Lesson Objective: Students will choose a camouflaged animal and try to match it to what enables them...
Art Recycled: Making Art from Found and Recycled Materials Subject: Art Grade: 5 Lesson Objective Introduce students to using found and recycled...
10 Tips to Connect with Your Students Your students are yearning for a connection with their teacher, not one confined to the subject you teach. Students...
Is Book Banning Happening Near You? How Banning Books Hurts Students and Staff Book banning has been going on for ages. It would often start with hair-...
