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Professional Development: EdTech Leaders Online

For educators who are looking for more ways to expand their knowledge when it comes to education technology, EdTech Leaders Online might be one of the resources they want to consider.

“Educators need flexible access to high-quality, engaging professional development that is immediately applicable in their schools and classrooms, is aligned to standards, builds communities of learners, and provides hands-on experience with new technology tools for learning,” says ETLO

ETLO features online professional development courses for teachers who want to explore a new world that is leading a change in the way children are taught. It’s very important for educators to keep their knowledge on EdTech updated so that they are prepared for the ever-changing world.

Advancements are being made daily to make sure that classrooms across the nation all have an equal opportunity of blended learning. Not all educators are provided with the proper tools they need to incorporate blended learning with their curriculum.

Educators can learn how to “align technology with Common Core, learn new assessment strategies, incorporate technology tools effectively, differentiate and personalize instruction” and many more necessary and useful more teaching techniques when it comes to technology in the classroom.

The courses do require fees and pricing is outlines through a comprehensive list of over 70 professional development courses. These courses contain “six sessions of content with web-based readings and resources, interactive multimedia activities, a culminating final project implementation, facilitated online discussions and other opportunities,” according to ETLO.

Whether or not educators choose to further invest in their knowledge of the EdTech push is completely up to them but the resources are more than available for them to explore.

Article by Navindra Persaud, Education World Contributor