Twelve Great Lessons for Teaching the Great Depression
Education World offers a dozen great Internet-based activities. Included: Twelve activities for use across the curriculum and across the grades!
Ahoy, Mates! Here Lie a Dozen Pirate Treasures!
Aye, ye landlubbers! Take to the high seas for some fun and adventure with the theme of piracy! Meet Captain Dave, find out how he created his on-line search for lost treasure, and read about 12 other ways to bring privateers and mariners into your classroom activities.
'Every Day' Activities: Today in History
Many sites offer "This Day in History" resources that are a great way to teach current events, history, and cultural literacy. Imagine a classroom timeline that highlights current events or events connected to historic periods. A great opportunity for learning!
Great Chicago Fire Web Site Rich in Language Arts
The Web Site "The Great Chicago Fire and The Web of Memory" explores the historic fire in ways that engender rich Language Arts activities.
Timelines: Timeless Teaching Tools
Across the grades and across the curriculum, teachers treasure the value of timelines. And all the timeline resources you'll need are right at your fingertips! Included: Activity ideas for teachers across the grades!
Award-Winning History Series Takes Students by Storm!
Author Joy Hakim has changed the face of history instruction with her award-winning 11-book series A History of US. This series won the 1997 James A. Michener Prize in Writing. More importantly, kids who use the series seem to love it.
Remembering D-Day: Great Sites on the Web
June 6 is the 56th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion. To mark the occasion, Education World looks at some of the more interesting D-Day Web sites.
Wax Museum Biographies Teach and Entertain!
Cheryl Anderson's fifth-graders are performing the "Wax Museum Biographies." The students mentally leave their small South Dakota town -- population 913 -- for such places as the moon, a street in Montgomery, Alabama, or the steps of the White House.
Days and Days of Knights: A Unit on the Middle Ages
You've tried an activity or two on the Middle Ages -- and your students are begging for more. This is the kind of topic cross-curricular units are made of. Don't miss your chance! Included: A teacher-created unit on the Middle Ages!
Beyond Columbus: Teaching the Lessons of 1492
The voyages of Christopher Columbus provide unlimited teaching opportunities that can be pursued without glorifying the man or denigrating his achievements. This year, help students put the controversial explorer's achievements into historical perspective.
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