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Mozilla Joins iOS With Junior

Junior MozillaAfter years of sitting on the iPad sidelines Mozilla, the non-profit behind FireFox is set to enter Apple’s mobile browsing world with a product dubbed Junior. This will be Mozilla’s first crack at creating a Web browser for the titan of tablets and it appears the company is opting to build one from scratch rather than provide a different version of their existing product.

The reason Mozilla is eschewing the traditional browser format is the firm believes that mobile Web surfing is different than computer surfing and thus requires a different browser. Junior does away with the familiar tabs and URL bar in favor of a more minimalistic design. The control buttons are ergonomically placed based on how a user would typically hold an iPad. There is also a heavy dose of swipe technology for navigation.

There’s no official word on a release, and Mozilla is on record as saying the current version they have demoed is merely a beta version. However, rumors suggest a Q4 release in time for the holidays.


Smooth Transition

Changing jobs can be stressful. Lets face it. No matter what you know from the previous job, you will always face a learning curve when entering a new position.

I am facing that learning curve as we speak, as I have recently accepted a new position teaching gifted students at a school in Tampa, which also happens to be in a different school district.

The situation has inspired me to brainstorm creative, calm ways to make your transition from one teaching job to another smoother...

Mountain Lion Roars

mountain lion

This guest blog post was made by EducationWorld Web Assistant Joseph Murphy, a student at Furman University in Greenville, SC.

In the first four days of its release, Apple sold more than three million copies of the new operating system...

What's Your Rep?

Reputations are like shadows. They follow you everywhere!

We often tell our students that their reputation is important, and that it will follow them to the next grade. But how often do we think about our own reputation?

If there is one thing that I have learned, it's that the goodwill we build as educators can make or break our career. In the past five years, I have changed teaching jobs twice. Both times I received a job offer based on the recommendation of my previous...

Rubrics for Assessment


Differentiation in the classroom is a given, and one way to differentiate is by changing up the product for different level/interest of the learner. Of course, if you are allowing...

Advocating for Children

As a constituency, children receive little attention in federal budget discussions. Today in Washington, and indeed leading up to the implementation of the Bipartisan Budget Control Act (BCA) (aka sequestration) next year, federal expenditures will be on the tip of everyones tongue.

According to the Kids Share 2012 report, just released by...

Seton Hall Giving Windows Away...Sort Of

Seton HallSeton Hall University is partnering with Microsoft to outfit all 2012 incoming freshmen with a bundle of Windows devices in an effort to better prepare them for the 21st Century workplace.

Included in the package of tech includes a Nokia Lumia mobile phone featuring Windows Phone 8 and Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook running Windows 8. Schools...

Timeless Teachings

Good teaching stands the test of time.

Like a classic novel, great piece of music, or beautiful painting, the principles of effective teaching don't really change. Maybe the names of these methods change, maybe new buzz words are used to describe them, but the essence of these concepts remain untouched.

I was reminded of this recently when I dusted off an old book written by a teacher, who became famous for creating a magazine project with his students in the 1980s...

Would You Ever Get Rid of Your Desk?


I know some are looking at the computer like it has alien doodads coming out of the top of it, but think about how much space a teacher desk takes up, and how often you use it. Of...

Please, Take a Number

Please,Take a number!
In order to help keep things organized when students wished for help during study hall or during a seat work activity, I took an idea from the deli at the local supermarket. I made a sign that said Please, Take a number and had several decorative number tags for students to pick up. When one student was done, I would call for the next number. This really helped!
What ideas do you use to keep things organized in your classroom? Please share.
Gail Hennessey...
