Note: This blog is the second in a two-part series.
In a previous blog~ I outlined how I get elementary students to research by developing questions~ choosing resources and finding information. Now~ I am going to share a fabulous web site that will help your students navigate the rough waters of the research world.
The site~ a research portal~ is offered by Kentucky Virtual Library at
Why is it so great? First~ the site is designed like a game board~ which is immediately kid-friendly. It allows students to navigate the board as they go through the various steps of research: planning~ searching for information~ taking notes and using the information.
Second~ the site is interactive. Students can click on various squares on the board and have access to a host of tools. It links them to different resources to use~ various methods to take notes~ and ways to evaluate the web sites and information.
I have used this site with my gifted students when conducting independent study projects~ which rely heavily on research. I have students as young as first-grade using this site as they learn the steps to proper research. I have them open the site and require them to refer back to it when researching.
Personally~ I really love some of the note-taking tools~ which show students how to organize information. Sometimes~ students prefer to record information by hand or use symbols and pictures to capture information. Equally useful are tools that use a five finger rule~ compare or contrast and a true or bogus method to evaluate the validity of the information.
These skills can be so hard and frustrating to teach~ especially to younger children. I have made it a mission to seek out the best tools I can find when it comes to teaching my students to research~ and Kentucky Virtual Librarys site is one of the best.
I dont make any royalties from promoting this site (if thats what youre thinking ) Rather~ I am impressed with its user-friendly design and better yet~ its free!
I love would for you to share web sites and tools you have personally found helpful in teaching research. To share your gems~ please visit the Gifted and Enrichment group at http://community.educationworld.comcontent/teaching-kids-research-part-2-1?gid=NTEyMQ==
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