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After 43 years in my chosen profession, I remain excited, alive, and learning! From an active Twitter Account to blogging, from teaching Constitutional Law to Pre-AP English, from a national winner...
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Talent: Transitioning as we Remember 9/11

Transitioning to our profession each year is a refreshing opportunity to reinvent ourselves. Through our talents to maintain a balanced life and help others do the same, we can and do make a difference!

This week as students and families think about September 11, 2001 and see ever emerging graphic images of the horrors of that day, let's find the strength to:
1. respect what is good about our nation
2. remind each other that we are one nation under God but with important differences that need to be understood
3. refrain from opinions that divide our learners and look for values that unite us
4. reflect on the power of a democracy that isn't perfect but is the best the world has seen
5. regain our confidence in leaders who have been elected to serve and need our letters to remind them where we want their votes
6. recharge our optimism for the sake of a better tomorrow
7. recover our sense of unity not against an enemy but for our ideals
8. receive inspiration from those who were needlessly killed as innocent workers or brave citizens who stood up against evil
9. rescue our identity as a people who seek answers to life's complex issues.