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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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End of the School Year letters

Do you give parting comments to your students at the end of the school year? On the last day of the school year~ I would give a letter to each of the students in my 6th grade classes. Here is the last one I wrote the year of my retirement.

Perhaps~ you have letters you'd like to share?

Gail Hennessey

Dear Students:
After 33 1/2 years of teaching at HCS and having had more than 2000 students sit in my social studies classroom over these many years~ I have decided to retire from teaching at the end of this school year in June. I've tried to interest you about the world in which we live during our time together and hopefully~ learn something about yourselves as well.
I'd like to leave you with some thoughts which I find useful in my life:Know the true value of time~ snatch~ seize~ and enjoy every minute of it. No idleness~ no laziness~ no procrastination~ never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.(Chesterfield).
Life is NOT a Spectator Sport. Use ever day to the fullest. Read~ try to make someone smile~ help someone~ say a kind word to someone~ dream things you'd like to do and work to make them possible AND and at the end of the day~ be able to say~Yes~ I used the day well.Remember...YOU make your own HISTORY!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men(and women) to do nothing.( Burke) It's not always easy to break from the crowd~ but speak up for someone you feel is being mistreated~ don't stay silent~ for it may be you that hopes someone will speak up for you one day!
Life is an adventure...enjoy the ride. I wish you much happiness as you travel down life's highway and hope you have few bumps along the way but~ perhaps some interesting detours!
Mrs. H
The Social Studies teacher who loves the color purple!