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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Cool Ice Cream Facts for National Ice...

COOL facts about Ice Cream

Did you Know that JULY is National Ice Cream Month in the USA? It was established by President Ronald Reagan, in 1984. National Ice Cream Day is the 3rd Sunday in July. Learn some fun facts about ice cream!

1. One scoop of ice cream needs about 50 licks to finish.

2. The Chinese...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Using the News in the Classroom:...

In the News: Flamingo Spotting!

Wildlife officials in south Texas spotted a flamingo. It’s a rare sighting as flamingos...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Real Reason for Lesson Planning

When learning how to lesson-plan, pre-service teachers I work with often notice their mentor teachers rely on shorter, more condensed lesson plans. These student teachers wonder why they are required through coursework to develop lengthy, detailed plans.

I usually fall back on analogies such as learning to drive a car—at first, it takes much thought and conscientious practice to drive, but after gaining experience, the act of driving becomes unconscious.

Similarly, with...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

5 Phases of Program Implementation

B. Harris, a number of years ago, stated that there are five phases frequently involved in the implementation of a new program at the school or district level. He states that these phases come in a sequential order, but they often overlap one another.

Phase one, planning and initiation: The purpose of the program is considered, goals are clarified, activities are selected, and resources needed are considered. Interests mounts as individuals involved sense the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Tour de France begins July 7th:...


The 2018 Tour de France began on July 7th and ends on July 29th. It's considered the world's biggest and most exciting bicycling...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Why Student Teachers Struggle (or Don’t...

After serving as a teacher educator for the past two years, I have begun to reflect on why student teachers might struggle as they prepare for the profession. Of course, as in other posts, I don’t proclaim to have all the answers. Rather, I hope by writing this, it prompts discussion and further discourse, research, and contemplation—as preparing teachers is a vastly important endeavor.

Student teachers, such as the ones I work with, often carry heavy coursework loads as...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Gifted Student Report Cards—Every State...

Historically, gifted education has battled to receive the same attention as other educational areas.


Blog: Ed Tech Today

A Different, “Looser” Look at Classroom...

I know what you’re thinking when you read this blog title: What? Loosen up? My students are not focusing, not listening, getting out of their seats—I need to tighten up!

But stay with me. I’d like to share a different perspective, one that involves how we view students’ behavior and interactions in the classroom.

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of student teachers to Costa Rica for a study abroad program. The itinerary included spending time in public...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Brain Factoids for Brain Awareness Month


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Daredevil Raccoon Climbs 25 Story...

Perhaps, you may find this of interest to use with students as a possible reading passage and/or interactive notebook activity.
