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Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Meet...

What struck me most was the absurdity, that everyone agrees these weapons should never be used, but we need nuclear weapons so they won’t be used?”  — Beatrice Fihn

What can we learn about innovation from those who seek to abolish nuclear weapons?

The Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards (TDIA) has named Nobel...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education:...

“We should be changing the goals of education to focus on deeper learning: Relevance of what is taught, to build motivation, and personalization of the What and How; Versatility, to create ‘Renaissance humans’, which brings robustness to face whatever life throws at us; Transfer, insuring that what we learn in...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Should I Host a Student Intern?

Mentor teachers play a significant role in helping to prepare new teachers for the profession. The rewards for hosting a student teacher in your classroom can be many: benefiting from their enthusiasm and energy, feelings of satisfaction as you see them grow and develop, picking up the latest teaching techniques, a chance to collaborate and co-teach.

However, deciding to mentor a student teacher is a major decision. The responsibility is great as you have agreed to serve as a role-...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Fake News? Developing Digital Literacy...

Seems like almost every day, this term is being used. Just WHAT is Fake News? Can you tell the difference between fake and real news?   Use this activity to start the discussion on what is Real and Fake News.
1. A cyclist in England snapped a photograph of some very unusual pigs. They looked like sheep with their wooly coats.  Do YOU this is a real photograph or fake? Why? How would you go...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Meet...

I like to think that we’ll find ways to partner with our AI creations — to enhance life, bringing about more shared equity and prosperity, and to enable humans to connect more deeply with one another.”  — Chris Messina

Many know Chris Messina as the guy who invented the Twitter hashtag, but Chris Messina...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Finding your Teacher Tribe Can Mean All...

We called it our “office.” I use quotation marks, because like most teachers, we didn’t actually have an office. My two colleagues and I would regularly meet between two classrooms, where the restrooms were. Whenever one of us got stressed, we called for a quick meeting in this tight space. Coffee in hand, we discussed how to best to work with certain students, lesson plans, but also shared jokes, personal stories and just connected. This make-shift office fueled us, emotionally, and while I...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Get...

According to the Paris Agreement, global emissions must peak by 2020 and then start declining if we want to keep average global temperature increase under 2° Celsius. Climate change is the environmental challenge of this generation and it’s critical that youth are involved because they will ultimately inherit the earth.


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Arbor Day is Coming. What do YOU know...


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Earth Day is Coming! Interactive...

Did You Know?
1. Scientists...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Earth...

Teachers around the world are currently faced with the task of preparing students for a world transformed by climate change. “What the World Thinks about Climate Change in 7 Charts”  is a good place to get some key facts about the global issues.

In October of last year, former UN...
