Having taught in an elementary school named after the great Saint himself, I have celebrated many of these days in a haze of green!
The students would come to school dressed in their greenery and my first order of the day was to take a portrait of each student in my class. I used my ‘good camera’ and took some beautiful photos of the students individually, in groups and then as a whole class.
I would digitally create a placemat collage, for each student, using the pictures from the day. The large, center photo was their portrait. They looked fantastic and became a great keepsake. This became a tradition I upheld for many years.
St Patrick’s Day morning would consist of attending mass and celebrating in class with some fun activities. One teacher even cooked her students green scrambled eggs. Not so visually appealing, but what fun! The green theme continued throughout the day with green jelly treats, ice-blocks and cup-cakes combined with craft activities, stories and a great deal of laughter and happiness. The afternoon saw the whole school come together and celebrate with music and games. One such game being pass the parcel involving the whole school (yes, one big circle with 700 students!) We had quite a few parcels going around at the same time.
So, if you are looking for some St Patrick’s Day literacy activities, here are some free printables. These are suitable for students in grades 2,3,4,5.
FREE Download: St Patrick’s Day Printables.pdf
Printable 1
Clap and trace the Syllables.
You will need some colored markers.
Eg. Patrick becomes Patrick
Printable 2
Compound words.
Use the pictures and words provided to make some compound words.
Printable 3
Read the sentences.
Find the long/e/ sounds.
List the words in the table.
Printable 4
Explore the meaning of the root word: Tri
Printable 5
Let’s look at the word green (there are over 10 different meanings in the dictionary!)
Printable 6
Rhyming words
Printable 7
Trace over the syllables in different colors and give the landmarks some green colored lighting!
Printable 8
The Harp - A National Symbol Of Ireland
Label the harp: Sound out the words and write them in the correct boxes.
Printable 9
Where does this word come from? Evangelize.
Printable 10
Read the Irish blessing and follow the instructions.
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