Improving your interviewing skills is important but here are some tips for you to prepare for that all important interview.
The first thing I would strongly suggest is to be on time to the interview. Whether it is a face to face or a zoom meeting, be on time. Arriving late is never a good first impression. Last year I interviewed close to 300 candidates and I was sadly disappointed on how many were late. Know the time, day, and location of the interview. I would even suggest driving to the school prior to the interview at the same time as the interview to better gauge the distance, traffic and time.
Dress for success. Dress professionally. Look nice. I have always been surprised how many educators show up for an interview in blue jeans, shorts or t-shirts. Remember this is your first impression.
Do your research about the school and community before the interview. Read as much as you can can on social media and if you can, speak with personnel at the school. Also talking with parents and students can be very helpful.
An interview should go both ways. The interviewer(s) want to know as much as possible about you and if you will be a good fit for them. You should want to know as much as you can to see if this is a place you want to work. I believe the best time to look for a new position is when you are currently employed. You don’t want to be desperate and take a job you may not be happy with in the long term. You want to work in a place that makes the most sense to you.
Take into consideration: travel, time, salary, benefits, school’s reputation, your role and duties, as well as the climate of the school. How did you feel about the interview and the school? Before making your decision.
Anticipate and mentally for possible questions you might be asked. Prepare answers to these questions and practice before a mirror or in front of a colleague.
Remember in an interview your are trying to sell yourself. Why are you the best person for the position? Be confident but arrogant in your answers.
I also recommend that you prepare a number of CVs, cover letters and at least one portfolio as you don’t know the number of interviewers at the meeting. Do not assume the interviewers have received or even read either your CV and cover letter. Please make sure your CV and cover letter are current and personalized. Even though you probably, and I would recommend applying to numerous schools, you want to make the interviewers feel that they are your first choice.
Be prepared and good luck!
Any questions, feel free to contact me.
Dr. Les Potter
Founder Potter’s Educational Services
A free service to educators
[email protected]
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