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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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Inauguration Day, Fun Facts Interactive Notebook Activity 2025

Did You Know?

1. The First Inauguration Ceremony to be on television was in 1949, for President Harry S. Truman. 

2. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was actually lassoed by a cowboy who came up to him on a horse during the 1953 Inaugural parade ceremony. 

3. The first President to get out of his limo and walk down the parade route was President Jimmy Carter. 

4. Did you know that President George Washington carried a sword to his Inaugural Day ceremonies? 

5. The Constitution doesn’t require the president to hold his hand on a Bible but all Presidents have done so except for Theodore Roosevelt and John Quincy Adams. 

6. President Gerald Ford was the first UNELECTED President. He assumed the office of President when President Richard Nixon resigned.

7. President Barack Obama had to take the Oath of Office TWICE. Because of a mix-up of the 35 word oath by the Chief Supreme Court Justice, it was done again the next day to make sure everything was legal. 

8. The first President to wear long pants to his Inauguration Ceremony was President John Quincy Adams. Prior to this, men worn knee breeches. 

9. Tradition has been that the President-Elect rides to the Inaugural Ceremony with the current President of the United States. The custom is for the current president to sit on the RIGHT and the President-elect to sit on the LEFT side of the limo. 

10. The first Inauguration to be streamed on the internet was President Bill Clinton. 

11. The new President is elected at exactly 12 noon on January 20th. 

12. The longest Inauguration speech(8,445 words) was given by President Harrison. It was 100 minutes long and it was a very cold day. President Harrison got pneumonia and died after only about one month in office! 

13. The shortest Inauguration Speech was given by President George Washington. It was only 135 words! 

14. The first time the Marine Corps Band performed at an Inaugural Day Ceremony was for President James Monroe. 

15. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had FOUR inaugural Day Ceremonies. After his presidency, a two term limit was placed into the constitution. 

16. During the Inaugural Ball of President Madison, the ballroom was so hot that people broke windows to get some cold air into the room! 

17. President Woodrow Wilson’s second inaugural parade included WOMEN participating in the parade for the very first time! 

18. It was during President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address where he said,“...ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what, together, we can do for the freedom of man.”(1961) 

19. Lady Bird Johnson was the first First Lady to participate in the Inaugural ceremony. She held the Bible for her husband, Lyndon B. Johnson.(1965) This has now become a tradition. 
20. In 2021, President Donald Trump was the 4th President NOT to attend the Inauguration of the next elected president of the United States, President-Elect Joe Biden. In 2025, President Joe Biden WILL attend the inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump. President Biden also plans to renew the long tradition of riding to the inauguration ceremony with the incoming president which wasn't done in 2021.
Your Turn: 
  1. Illustrate one of these factoids about Inaugurations. 
  2. Pretend you are the President-elect. Write a diary entry about your 
    Inauguration Day. 
  3. How would you feel if your parent became president of the United 
    States? List three positives and three negatives being the child of the President. 
  4. How has the coronavirus changed this year's inauguration Ceremony from what it would normally be? How would you feel if you couldn't have the normal ceremonies that day?
  5. As the new President, what might be three things you would state in your speech to the nation?
Before giving the students the handout on the history of Inauguration Day, as the students what prior knowledge they may have about Inauguration Day. 

NOTE: Check out my web quest on Inauguration Day. Taking the oath of office, a big parade and evening balls, Inauguration Day is a very busy day for the incoming President! There are 10 web questions, a Did You 
Know? section, comprehension questions and extension activities:
Inauguration Day Facts!
by Gail Skroback Hennessey

Additional Resource of Interest:
1Learn about the White House with 10 informative webquestions, comprehension and 
discussion questions and several extension activities:

2. Did You know that President John Quincy Adams had an alligator? Martin Van Buren had two tiger cubs and President McKinley's pet parrot could whistle, "Yankee Doodle". Did you know that President Franklin D. Roosevelt served HOT DOGS to the King of England? Did you know that President Garfield could write with both his right and left hand at the SAME 
time? Presidential Webquest/Extension Activities:

3. Did you know that First Lady Hillary Clinton was the first First Lady to become a senator of New York? Did you know that Florence Harding was the first woman to be able to VOTE for her husband in a presidential election? Did you know that Eleanor Roosevelt was called 
the " First Lady of the World"? Learn about the contributions of some of our first ladies with this fun and informative webquest:

4. Do YOU Know Your Presidents is a series of three challenges. Each challenge worksheet has 25 questions(with 3 choices). The first challenge is the easiest with the third, 
the hardest.There is also a Presidential Did You Know? Section: