When I was in college, I heard all about centers and how fun they were. I observed in classrooms where centers were placed throughout the environment. Until I got my own classroom, I never really understood the effect that centers had on a classroom setting. I didn’t truly understand how centers help children learn skills that I couldn’t teach them. This article will explain how to effectively plan and implement engaging and developmentally appropriate centers in the early childhood classroom.
1) Planning is the key to building a successful center area. Make a list of centers that you want to include in your classroom. Decide how large of an area you will need and where in the classroom the center area will be placed.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
2) Organization: you will need to begin collecting/buying materials that each center will have in it. Remember, you may change centers, so you will need to have storage for materials that are not being used. (Storage examples: boxes, plastic tubs, shelves, closets, baskets). Ensure that you always have an abundance of materials in each center so children do not run out. You want children to be able to run the center on their own without needing your assistance.
Questions to ask yourself:
3) Introduction: this happens after your centers are all set up and ready for children to engage in them. Introduce two centers at a time in the beginning. Continue to add two or so when you see children understanding what and how to learn and interact at each center.
In your introduction:
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE: it may feel strange allowing children to play in a center and then practice cleaning up. But, if you do this in the beginning, your center time will run more smoothly. Then after the first week or so, you will be practicing with several centers until you have them all introduced and incorporated into your daily center time.
Next, after you have introduced the center and how to clean up, teach the transition to the next activity, such as sitting on the carpet crisscross apple sauce, until all of our friends have joined us for reading time.
Some of the important things to think about are:
Some centers that allow you to teach numerous concepts and allow children to learn through play, role-modeling, and trial and error are:
While children are at centers, teachers have several choices. They can monitor the centers, scaffold, question, watch, listen, and assess. Or, you can have small groups of children or one-on-one meetings, where you are working on specific skills and curriculum while assessing and documenting. You can even ask a parent volunteer or if you have a teacher’s aide to come in and have an art center happening where each child is making something special to hang up in the classroom. They can even work on art ideas that go with the curriculum you are teaching.
If you are just throwing around the idea of setting up centers, it is a lot of time and work, but it is totally worth your time and your child’s learning if you incorporate them correctly. Make sure you are planning, you are organized, and you have an idea of the goal you are reaching for. Good luck!
~ Tisha