After the school year ended, I continually reflected on what I could have done better. Even though I thought I knew my students well, I could have always known them better. From the moment they enter the classroom, a teacher is trying to get to know the family, the student academically, the background they bring with them, issues, problems, struggles, likes, dislikes, and ultimately what will help a student succeed. A teacher sets up the classroom environment and differentiates activities that will help engage each one at their learning level. The classroom is bright, warm, and welcoming. DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) instruction is provided with procedures, routines, and a daily schedule. The teacher invites parents to volunteer, observe, and help with field trips, activities, and PTO. What more can a teacher do to engage the child so that within that year, they become excited about learning? What will you do?
Tips to foster a student’s excitement:
Be Popular
A. Be the teacher that all students want to have. Why do they want you as their teacher 1. You are energetic and positive.
B. You care about your students.
C. Your classroom environment is warm, engaging, fun, inviting, and, most of all, an awesome place to learn.
D. You allow your students to make choices and mistakes.
E. You are encouraging and thoughtful. (You attend your students’ events.)
Get to know each student:
A. Meet at eye level when speaking to each student.
B. Welcome and greet each student as they enter the classroom (daily).
C. Attend activities they are involved in.
D. Build a reciprocal relationship with all families.
E. Use an "All About Me" bag.
Set up the classroom environment for students to succeed:
A. Allow students the freedom of choice. Let go of that control and study what the students are interested in.
B. Have areas set up that students can engage in (centers). Centers can be for all ages if set up correctly.
C. Teach procedures and routines that allow for flexibility and build a classroom community of learners.
Spark interest through engagement and scaffolding:
A. During the day, schedule one-on-one, large group, and small group times.
B. Assess your students (background and knowledge gained).
C. Get to know your students personally and academically.
D. Group students and work on abilities (differentiation).
Be a role model that shows children how to learn the correct way:
A. Follow the classroom procedures and routines with your students.
B. Be cheerful and welcoming to all who enter your classroom.
C. Scaffold and help students by modeling the correct way to do something.
D. Scaffold and help students by modeling the correct way to do something.
E. Role-play and teach how to problem-solve.
When a teacher shows students the importance of building a classroom community of learners where everyone makes mistakes and values one another’s thoughts and feelings, students can then begin to make meaningful connections personally and academically. Teachers who instruct using procedures, routines, developmentally appropriate practices, and engaging lessons will win students’ attention and willingness to learn. Teachers who are positive, caring relationship builders also possess classrooms that spark interest and allow freedom to engage in learning activities where the teacher scaffolds and monitors. When students are excited to be at school every day, families are happier, and children are excited about learning. What kind of teacher will you be?
~ Tisha
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