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November 15, 1999

Early Childhood Research and Practice
GRADE LEVEL: Professional

Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP) is a biannual electronic journal sponsored by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE) and covers topics related to the development, care, and education of children from birth to approximately age 8.

ECRP features an easy-to read, uncluttered layout with few graphics.

The newsletter is available in frames and non-frames versions.

ECRP is a high-quality electronic publication covering teaching practices, parent involvement, and policy in early childhood education. Many of the articles cover current research in the field. The information presented is of interest to teachers, administrators, teacher trainers, teachers in training, parents, and others who work with young children. The journal is currently free but will be changing to a fee-based subscription service beginning sometime after the spring of 2000. High-quality articles are solicited.