The Bear Den
A pro-bear site dedicated to providing knowledge of all types of bears, bear organizations and bear resources.
The Home Page is very slow loading and covered with miscellaneous accolade graphics but includes some of the latest multimedia additions for websites.
The main links are located at the bottom of the page but once you find them the corresponding pages are laid out much simpler and consistent.
The information on bears found at this site is extensive. The picturesare mostly in black and white, but show a lot of detail. Each bear's page is encyclopedia-like and covers population distribution, vital statistics, physical characteristics, diet and food sources, territorial habits, reproduction, baby and adolescent mortality and hibernation. An excellent source for reports on bears. The Cub Den, a website for young readers, is a companion site to The Bear Den that encourages younger children to find out more about bears. Here you'll find Ten Facts About Bears; Amazing Facts About Bears; and Books for Young Readers.