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October 15, 1999

You Can Handle Them All
GRADE LEVEL: Parents and Professionals


You Can Handle Them All is a great resource that provides a model for working with more than 100 different problematic behaviors. The site has special sections for parents and teachers.


The site has a pleasing layout with nice some graphics of kids engaged in activities.


The site is frames-based and provides easy-to-use navigational bars at the left side of the pages. Specific behaviors can be easily accessed from an alphabetical list.


Parents and teachers know about kids who misbehave. It is a fine art learning how to deal with these behaviors in positive ways. Often, adults react to the misbehavior, when what they really need to do is respond to the child at a deeper level to correct the cause of the behavior in the first place. You Can Handle Them All is an outstanding place for parents and educators to come to gain insight into what can motivate kids to act out. At present, the site describes 117 different behaviors, looks at the effects of the behaviors on others, and offers advice about good and bad ways to go about changing the behavior. Be sure to check out the Behavior Management Overview & Foundations section for a well-written explanation of the educational philosophy behind this helpful discipline model.