August 1, 1999

The Puppetry Homepage GRADE LEVEL: K-12
Interested in puppetry? The Puppetry Homepage is a one-stop, find just about everything about puppetry, kind of site. If it's on the Internet and about puppetry, you will probably find it indexed here.
The site has several great images of puppets and puppetry. The pages are generally composed of long lists of resources.
The main page has descriptions of the site's section headings. A set of navigation links is also available at the bottom of most pages. The Puppetry Homepage is a directory of Internet resources and the links will take you off the site, so you should bookmark it!
Puppetry is an art form that has roots in cultures all around the world. The types, uses, and construction of puppets are as colorful and varied as the many cultures they come from. The Puppetry Homepage does a good job of gathering a large body of information about this imaginative and diverse art form into an easy-to-use reference resource. The subject headings for the various sections of the site include Puppetry Organizations; Puppetry Festivals; Puppet Theaters; Puppetry Definitions; Puppetry Traditions Around the World; Puppetry Schools, Workshops, and Internships; Puppetry Exhibits and Museums; Puppet Building and Building Materials; Puppet Builders and Sellers; Performers and Performance Companies; and more. This is an outstanding place to learn more about an art form that is a favorite of children everywhere.