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AUGUST, 1997

Multicultural Pavillion
GRADE LEVEL: Professionals

This Web site has resources for educators who incorporate multicultural lessons and issues into the classroom.

Most of the pages are text-based and use paragraphs and columns for layout.

The navigation bar on the left side of each page has links to all the areas of the Web site.

This Web site was set up to provide information and resources to educators teaching or implementing multicultural issues into their classroom. The site includes a teacher's area that has activities, archives, and links to multicultural Web sites; a section with papers, book reviews, and publications; research resources including data archives and links to online libraries, E-journals, an online article archives, and research organizations; an online discussion forum; and numerous outside links and resources. The site includes a searchable database so that users can find information about specific topics of interest. This is a valuable site for teachers creating multicultural lessons. It is also valuable for administrators and other educators who deal with multicultural issues in their school.