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Reviewed August, 1997
Link updated December, 2004
AUGUST, 1997

Kinder Art https://kinderart.com/ GRADE LEVEL: K-8 & Parents
This page was designed for children and parents and includes information and resources for creating and enjoying art. The site also serves teachers with free, online art lessons.
The background resembles textured paper and the site uses colorful graphics, both of which are appropriate for an arts page. The site also uses some animation but most of the pages are text only.
All of the sections of this Web site are available from the main page. Each of the subsequent pages has a link back to the lesson plans page as well as a link to the home page of the studio sponsoring the site.
The Jarea Art Studio has developed this site to showcase its work and to offer art supplies, but they have also included lesson plans for teachers and students. The Kinder Art section of the site has information on art lessons, books, kits, and supplies designed mainly for kids ages 4 to 12. The site was created by two artists but accepts and includes submissions from teachers, parents, home schoolers, and kids. Those ideas include art lessons, teaching experiences, and tips and tricks for teaching art. Each lesson plan lists the materials needed as well as easy-to-follow directions. These could be used in two ways: For younger students, teachers could retrieve the information from the Internet and teach the lesson plan; for older students, the students could visit the Web site in class and work on the projects directly from the screen. This would allow teachers to incorporate the Internet into their lesson planning. The site also has links to other online lesson plans as well as other educational resources. With the inclusion of submissions, the site will continue to grow and should be checked frequently for new ideas.