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July, 1999
Updated JUNE, 2007

I Want My NTV!

A large body of research links television violence to aggressive behavior in children. I Want My NTV! does a great job of making this controversial and often confusing issue easier for young people to understand.

The young authors of this site have put together a great collection of hand-drawn illustrations and backgrounds.

The site is available in frames version that features a remote control navigation bar on the right. For non-frames browsers, navigation links are provided at the bottom of every page.

Television violence concerns most parents, but what about kids -- the ones most affected by it? I Want My NTV! presents the history and facts surrounding the issue and then asks kids what they think. This site is a gold award winner in the 1999 ThinkQuest Junior competition, and it's easy to see why. The site does a great job of outlining the history of the controversy and the current solution -- the much disputed V-chip. A lot of the information presented on the site was gathered from interviews with such people as the inventor of the V-chip, Mr. Tim Collins, and staffers in the office of Senator Bill Markey, author of the V-chip legislation in Congress. Be sure to check the Lounge. It has sections for Students, Teachers, and Parents, filled with ideas for using the site both at home and in the classroom. Your students won't want to miss the chance to say what they think in the Survey!