July, 1999
Updated JUNE, 2007
Do We Really Know Dewey? http://library.thinkquest.org/5002/ GRADE LEVEL: 3-8
Do We Really Know Dewey? This site will help your students answer this question with a resounding YES! This is a great guide to using the Dewey Decimal System, written in a lighthearted style. Teachers will love the set of quiz and puzzle worksheets included on the site.
A charming binder paper background and library-related images give the site a "studious" look.
The site is easy to navigate. The main page has a comprehensive navigation bar. Each section has its own navigation bar with a guide to that area and a handy clickable book animation that takes users to the next page in the sequence.
Here's your students' chance to "Do the Dewey" and learn how to use the library. The site was a winner in the 1999 ThinkQuest Junior competition and offers a fun way to learn about the history and use of the Dewey Decimal System. The young authors have done an excellent job of turning learning into an adventure! The site is broken up into several sections that are suitable for use as an ongoing unit and include printable quizzes and puzzles that support the lessons. Your students should soon be able to adopt the site's motto: "Do we? Dewey? Boy, Do we!!"