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July, 1998

George Lucas Education Foundation
GRADE LEVEL: Professionals

The George Lucas Education Foundation (GLEF) was created by George Lucas, movie producer, to promote reform, technology, and increased community involvement in schools. The Web site has links to education resources and grant information.

The site is available in an enhanced version, which uses frames and tables extensively, or a universal version, which can be viewed by any browser or at any modem speed. It can also be used by viewers with text to voice requirements. The universal site does not include any audio, video, or PDF files.

The site has a site map and a search engine. The enhanced version uses frames and the universal site uses hyperlinks. Navigation menus are available at the top of each page.

George Lucas, movie producer, started the George Lucas Education Foundation (GLEF) to compensate for a childhood education he felt was inadequate. The goals of the foundation are to promote "change, technology infusion, and community involvement in schools." The Web site has information about the foundation itself, along with links to education resources and grant information. The main feature of the site is the Learn and Live section. Users can read about the book of the same name and see some examples of innovative teachers, students, schools, and communities. Viewers can order the Learn and Live kit which includes a documentary film and the Learn and Live resource book. This is a good site for administrators and others concerned with education reform and interested in new ideas.