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JULY, 1996

Digital Education Network

DEN contains interactive features that "encourage students to learn, think, and participate in the online community." The site offers tutorials and units for subjects such as news, writing, math, and astronomy.

With a "stellar" background and cool, fun graphics, this site is a visual pleasure to explore.

This is a well-organized site with four main areas of interest accessed from the home page.

The Digital Education Network's focus is to provide, free of charge, interactive online lessons in three areas: The Internet, Graphics, and Math. There is also a News area to keep abreast of Canadian as well as international news. It seems this site is growing quickly, and there is mention of a "Chinese Den" in the works. First of all, the graphics are great, and makes it a pleasant environment to explore. The Math Den is for middle and high school math students (although it doesn't list grade levels prominently) to probe their minds and see how much they know, and by registering a username, the student can keep track of their progress as they complete more and more lessons. What a fun, innovative tool this could be for math educators! Also, there are Internet lessons for the newbies in cyberspace, as well as art lessons, where students learn to use the paint program Paint Shop Pro ( a free 30 day trial version is downloadable from the site). This is the unique kind of education site I'd love to see more of on the web, and I look forward to seeing it expand.