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June, 1999

Project Bartleby: The Public Library of the Internet
Grade Level: 9-12

Looking for classic English and American literature on the Internet? Then be sure to visit Project Bartleby: The Public Library of the Internet and explore its great on-line collection of stories and poetry.

The site has the look and feel of a 19th century publication, with sepia images of authors.

The site is easy to navigate from the main menu of each section. Links back to the menus are available at the bottoms of the linked pages, or you may choose to use your browser's back button.

Project Bartleby is a site to bookmark and return to savor. The great collection of literature available is well chosen and rich in thought provoking content. The site originated at Columbia University in 1994 and then expanded into its own commercial site in 1997. The sites are now linked to each another and have similar collections of 19th- and early 20th-century literature, including works of Dickinson, Keats, Melville, Shelley, Whitman, Wilde, and Wordsworth. The newer site, the subject of this review, also has an extensive poetry archive of works dating from 1250 to 1920. The site is searchable. Literature teachers will enjoy the easy access this site provides to timeless works. Line numbering in the right margin makes finding special excerpts for class reading assignments easy.