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Reviewed June, 1999
Link updated December, 2004

Children's Creative Theater

The Children's Creative Theater site is a great resource for teachers and students interested in creative dramatics and theater. You'll find a short history of theater, a glossary of theater terms, creative dramatics games and activities, a skit, quizzes, and more!

Theatrical graphics and a bright color scheme give the site a very dramatic appearance.

The site is well organized with a comprehensive set of navigation buttons on the top of each page and set of hyperlinks at the bottom.

The Children's Creative Theater Web site is a product of the 1999 ThinkQuest Junior competition. Kids produce this top-flight site for kids, and it's a winner! Look at the short but surprisingly comprehensive History of Theater page. You'll find references to modern theater's roots in cultures around the world. Next explore the Glossary of Theater Terms page, and try your hand at some of the word games that encourage students to study the list of stage terms. Now you're ready for the games, skit, and resources sections that will show you how to start using creative dramatics in the classroom. Teachers will especially love the resources section, which is full of cross-curriculum based ideas and organized by grade level and subject area. Students will enjoy the active way that creative dramatics can bring the curriculum to life -- the young people who put this site together obviously do!