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JUNE, 1997
Updated JUNE, 2007


Bandaids and Blackboards

The intent of this site is to sensitize children to what it's like to grow up with a medical problem.

Very colorful, simple patterned graphics (some animated) are used throughout the site making it very appealing to children, its intended audience.

All the topics are listed on the main page and can be reached from the star graphics used as clickable menu buttons. A link back to the home page is on every page.

According to the author, "youngsters with serious illness must cope with stigma as well as with their medical conditions...that affects not only the children... but all of the children in the classroom." That was the impetus behind the creation of this website to gather information to present to classrooms. This site provides personal experiences submitted by children (some have their own web page with photos) and games for viewers. Some of the topics might be hard for adults to pick out from the child-oriented descriptive titles but include "Why People Get Sick", "To tell...or not to tell" and "Meet the experts!" The author does give parents a consent form to fill out for the children's stories and explains her project in a separate section for kids. The benefits of this page are obvious for children with medical conditions and their parents but this site is also a great source for anyone in education dealing with illness in the school.