JUNE, 1996

College Board https://www.collegeboard.org/
This site provides detailed information about thousands of colleges across the United States.
The site is organized into three major sections -- for students, parents and teachers. Internal pages have a top menu bar; and the parent section also is available in Spanish.
This site will give print "College Guide" books a run for their money! Herein, lies a wealth of detailed information about thousands of colleges across the country, including admission criteria and statistics, hints on planning for college, preparing for college board tests, paying for college, and more. If students know the names of colleges they are interested in applying to, they can type the name into the search box and retrieve the information. Visitors who are just browsing or who only want to explore colleges that meet a specific criteria, can complete a form that takes them through the process of picking a major or a geographic location (among other options), narrowing the search until they find what they need. That can be a slightly tedious -- althlough necessary -- process.
College Board also provides information about SAT courses, products and online registration, and financial aid calculators; it even has a SAT "question of the day", a novel and fun idea. This resource should be helpful from the beginnings of a student's college search right up to the moment the student finalizes his or her college choices.