MAY, 1997
Earthlore Explorations GRADE LEVEL: 6-12
A little bit of philosophy, history, art and culture combined to provide "an extensive, yet accessible learning resource which presents cultural content in a non-judgmental framework".
Very visually oriented with large graphics, some stunning images and large fonts.
The top of each page has navigational buttons back to the home page, and the section main page and introduction page.
This Web site is almost a work of art (and includes some of those). The introduction page describes the overall reason for Earthlore as a kind of journey for better understanding of humanity and history. Using cultural projects, or "journeys" as the site calls them, the user can choose from a variety of topics to discover new worlds, solve mysteries from the ancient world or get a glimpse into a past culture. The site provides samplings of their many immersion exploration projects and gives background for the topics included here. Each of the units appears to have had a lot of work put into them and they are really quite spectacular in their overall aesthetic sense. Because of the many images most of the pages are slow to load initially but are worth the wait and enhance the overall viewing of the site. This would be an excellent site to use for lesson units and ideas for teachers of history, culture, art, literature and social studies as well as a general audience but most of the language probably dictates a slightly older group.