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MAY, 1996


The Raptor Center

Herein lies a mini-encyclopedia on birds of prey (Raptors)

This site is fairly simple, with graphics that are reasonably sized. No fancy stuff here.

From the Home Page, the user descends to subsequent pages in a straight forward manner. There is, however, no strong hierarchy to the link list, and it may take the user a while to get to the "meat"of the site, "General Information about Birds of Prey".

The title conjures up visions of Jurassic Park but, of course, everyone knows (don't they?) that raptors aren't only mean dinos, but all birds of prey. This is a great resource for both students and teachers. Photos and detailed descriptions are available for all types of birds of prey. Also, for the teacher, follow the links to "Educational Links to Ongoing Projects" and you'll find a wealth of Lesson Plans related to raptors, including book and video lists.