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April, 1999
Updated JUNE, 2007

Essay Wizard

The Essay Wizard has put together a Web site to help high school seniors write those most mystifying of things: the College Entrance Essay. Here is a site that offers some good honest help in putting it all together.

The Essay Wizard has decorated her site with the palatial splendors of the Emerald City of Oz.

This is a Web site that is forward-thinking. (The site doesn't provide navigational links so you can return to a previous page!) But don't fear! You can always use your browser's back button.

Put on your ruby slippers, and follow the yellow brick road to the perfect essay -- or at least a much-improved one. The Essay Wizard isn't really from Oz but she does have a few things in common with the story book wizard. She doesn't have any magic to make your essay just, poof, appear for you, but she will help you to recognize the talents that you already have and encourage you to use them. The site has some great advice about writing, and the Wizard offers to help proof any essay students want to send her (for a fee). An important site for guidance counselors to bookmark!