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April, 1999

Athena, Earth and Space Science for K-12

Athena engages students in observing natural phenomena using remote-sensed data to learn about the earth and sky. Here students can study ocean currents by tracking the movements of drift buoys, follow the progress of hurricanes and tropical storms from space, monitor earthquake activity with seismographic data from around the globe, or keep track of weather in space. Plenty more too!

Tons of great images. The site is well laid out with easy-to-read text.

Users have more than one way to get around this site. From the main menu, access the activities by going to the subject heading areas and browsing the table of contents (TOC). Links at the top of the pages will take users back to the TOCs and to the main page. Teachers have their own set of navigational pages that give grade level recommendations for implementing the activities.

This project is a cooperative agreement between NASA and SAIC/NW (Science Applications International Corporation Northwest), partnered with Washington State's Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and four local school districts in the Seattle area. The project is targeted at all grade levels K-12 and has a wide scope of educational tools broken up into four main curriculum areas: Earth, Weather, Oceans, and Space. Each of those areas is full of great materials for the classroom. Teachers should be sure to check out the Teachers' section for insight on how to incorporate the resources and activities into classroom routines. Students will love the "live" quality of many of the monitoring activities.