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April, 1998

Short Course in Trigonometry

An online trigonometry "short" course, which the creator describes as "more of a guide than a full course." The site uses no grades or tests but does have a few exercises

The site uses a light purple background and some graphic borders to enhance it. Examples use Java.

The menu at the bottom of each page changes to allow users to move forward or backward within the table of contents, based on the current position within the table. Viewers can return to the home page on the same menu.

The Short Course in Trigonometry Web site provides viewers with background information and explanations of some basic concepts of trigonometry. Before using the site users should be familiar with algebra and geometry. The table of contents explains who should take the course, applications of trigonometry, what trigonometry is, and basic concepts of trigonometry. Users can find exercises at the site to reinforce the lessons. While the site does not provide an abundance of information, the material presented is helpful. And trigonometry sites are difficult to find. Math teachers and students should definitely mark this one!